TP1: Synthesis, characterization and testing of nanoparticle catalysts
Dr. Michael Zimmermann
Dr. Vera Truttmann
Heiko Schiefer
Sarah Essig
Motivation and objectives:
This project aims to develop model catalysts based on colloidal nanoparticles in which the active metals (e.g. platinum, palladium) are dispersed down to the single atom level in less active host metals (e.g. gold). We investigate the influence of the electronic and geometric structure of the catalysts on their catalytic properties in the thermo-catalytic direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from molecular hydrogen and oxygen. By comparison with the electro-catalytic two-electron reduction of oxygen to hydrogen peroxide, we aim to identify common structural motifs and reaction mechanisms that will enable improved catalyst design for both thermo-catalytic and electro-catalytic direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide in the future.