TP6: Detailed reaction kinetics of thermocatalytic direct hydrogen peroxide synthesis using a CSTR for scale-up and process evaluation

Prof. Dr. Ing. Jörg Sauer
Jörg Sauer

Dr. Karla Herrera Delgado

Motivation and objectives:
The aim of this project is to investigate the thermo-catalytic H2O2 synthesis from H2 and O2 (t-HP). The aim is to establish a common basis for the interpretation and description of t-HP processes in comparison with the electro-catalytic approach (e-HP). To achieve this, we will develop a methodology to control the catalyst state under steady-state and transient condi-tions in continuous mode, performing t-HP kinetic experiments in a new CSTR test plant, and then develop a kinetic model for t-HP in combination with theoretical studies and operando measurements from project partners within the research group. We will identify the main in-fluencing variables and make hypotheses on the rate and selectivity determining steps, to describe the thermo-catalytic processes. In addition, the costs and environmental impact of t-HP and e-HP will be compared with the state-of-the-art anthraquinone (AO) process