TP5: Microkinetic analysis and operando FTIR of electro-catalysts for e-HP

Dr. Philipp Röse
Philipp Röse

Elisabeth Oldenburg

Motivation and objectives:
The aim of this project is to investigate the microkinetics of electrochemical hydrogen perox-ide synthesis (e-HP) and to identify similarities with its thermo-catalytic counterpart (t-HP). A combination of experimental electrochemical methods, operando infrared spectroscopy (ATR-SEIRAS) and microkinetic modelling will be used. Different catalysts such as PdAux and PtAux nanoparticles and novel catalyst materials will be investigated.
Through these methods, the project aims to understand the intricate relationships between catalyst structure, operating conditions and their influence on performance and selectivity. A detailed investigation of electrochemical performance and selectivity will be carried out using a rotating ring disc electrode (RRDE) setup, while time-resolved operando ATR-SEIRAS will identify and analyse surface species under reaction conditions. These species will be com-pared with those observed in t-HP to reveal mechanistic similarities and differences.
Based on the experimental data, a comprehensive microkinetic mechanism for e-HP will be proposed and modelled to quantitatively describe the reaction kinetics as a function of poten-tial. Finally, this mechanism will be compared with models for t-HP, paving the way for a uni-fied microkinetic understanding of both processes. The knowledge gained will guide the re-finement of catalyst design and operating conditions to improve the performance and selec-tivity of hydrogen peroxide synthesis.